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    Policy Regarding the Handling of Personal Information on the Website

    The personal information you have entered will only be used for the response to your inquiry. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose or share your personal information with other companies. We do not collect any cookies or other information that can be used to personally identify you. Please contact the Inquiry Center below to request the disclosure, correction, addition/deletion of items, erasure, discontinuance of use, or notification of purpose of use with regards to personal information that we have collected. We will check the information you have entered to verify your identity and carry out your request promptly.

    For more information regarding our handling of personal information, refer to our Privacy Policy. If you agree to the above, please check the box next to "I agree to the Policy Regarding the Handling of Personal Information on the Website." All of the required fields in this form must be filled. We may be unable to comply with your request if the form is not filled out correctly.

    Inquiries Related to the Handling of Personal Information

    Techoes Inc. Personal Information Inquiry Center

    [Address]Tokyo Tatemono Higashi-Shibuya Building 6F, 1-26-20 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0011

    [Contact]Please contact us using the inquiry form.

    [In Charge]Personal Information Protection Manager (In Charge: Business Administration Department)

    I agree to the Policy Regarding the Handling of Personal Information on the Website.